- 作者: 祈荟熙
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-10-21
光棍八字命理特征1. 八字中比劫旺盛
2. 八字中食伤旺盛食伤代表才华、创造力、表达能力。八字中食伤旺盛的人,往往比较注重自我发展,喜欢追求自己的兴趣爱好,不太愿意花时间在感情上。
3. 八字中官杀弱或受制
4. 八字中财星弱或受制
5. 八字中日柱逢冲日柱代表命主本人。八字中日柱逢冲的人,性格往往比较急躁、冲动,容易与人发生冲突,不利于感情稳定。
6. 八字中桃花星逢合
7. 八字中天干地支相冲
8. 八字中五行不平衡
9. 八字中命局特殊八字中命局特殊,如孤辰寡宿、空亡、羊刃等,也容易导致感情不顺。
10. 八字中大运流年不利
1. The day master is weak and the seven killings are strong.
The day master is the self in the eight characters, and the seven killings are the evil stars. If the day master is weak and the seven killings are strong, it means that the self is weak and the evil stars are strong, which is not conducive to marriage.
2. The official star is weak and the seven killings are strong.
The official star is the star of marriage, and the seven killings are the evil stars. If the official star is weak and the seven killings are strong, it means that the marriage star is weak and the evil stars are strong, which is not conducive to marriage.
3. The peach blossom is weak and the seven killings are strong.
The peach blossom is the star of love, and the seven killings are the evil stars. If the peach blossom is weak and the seven killings are strong, it means that the love star is weak and the evil stars are strong, which is not conducive to marriage.
4. The marriage palace is empty.
The marriage palace is the palace of marriage in the eight characters. If the marriage palace is empty, it means that there is no marriage star in the marriage palace, which is not conducive to marriage.
5. The marriage palace is occupied by the seven killings.
If the marriage palace is occupied by the seven killings, it means that the marriage palace is occupied by the evil stars, which is not conducive to marriage.
6. The marriage palace is in conflict with the day master.
If the marriage palace is in conflict with the day master, it means that the marriage palace is in conflict with the self, which is not conducive to marriage.
7. The marriage palace is in the empty position.
If the marriage palace is in the empty position, it means that the marriage palace is in the empty position, which is not conducive to marriage.
8. The marriage palace is in the dead position.
If the marriage palace is in the dead position, it means that the marriage palace is in the dead position, which is not conducive to marriage.
1. 日柱干支相冲日柱干支相冲,如甲申冲乙酉、丙戌冲丁亥等,主婚姻不顺,容易出现分歧、争吵,难以白头偕老。
2. 日支坐伤官日支坐伤官,如甲午、乙巳、丙申、丁酉等,主克配偶,容易出现感情破裂、离婚等情况。
3. 日支坐七杀日支坐七杀,如甲戌、乙亥、丙寅、丁卯等,主配偶性格强势、霸道,容易出现家庭暴力、感情不和等问题。
4. 日支坐偏印日支坐偏印,如甲子、乙丑、丙辰、丁巳等,主配偶性格孤僻、冷漠,难以沟通,感情难以维系。
5. 日支坐比肩日支坐比肩,如甲寅、乙卯、丙午、丁未等,主配偶性格固执、强势,容易出现争吵、矛盾,难以和谐相处。
6. 日支坐劫财日支坐劫财,如甲辰、乙巳、丙申、丁酉等,主配偶性格贪婪、自私,容易出现经济纠纷、感情破裂等问题。
7. 日支坐正财日支坐正财,如甲戌、乙亥、丙寅、丁卯等,主配偶性格保守、传统,容易出现感情平淡、缺乏激情等问题。
8. 日支坐偏财日支坐偏财,如甲子、乙丑、丙辰、丁巳等,主配偶性格风流、多情,容易出现婚外情、感情不稳定等问题。
9. 日支坐食神日支坐食神,如甲午、乙巳、丙申、丁酉等,主配偶性格温柔、体贴,但容易出现感情依赖、缺乏主见等问题。
10. 日支坐正官日支坐正官,如甲戌、乙亥、丙寅、丁卯等,主配偶性格正直、负责,但容易出现感情严肃、缺乏浪漫等问题。